Sunday 26 June 2011

#3, party#2

Aha. Another children's birthday party. They are fun but tiring and always a worry with other people's children there. Fun had by all children and DD was very happy. The beautiful old boat swing in the garden was a huge hit again. Funny that thing must be 40 years old (the frame was the previous inhabitant's great uncle's bedsted!).

Hair was being a pain - I am going through an odd phase - I am getting itchy scalp again despite trying the T-gel again and ACV. It could be the combination of the two or the fact I had settled it and then I switched back due to slight itchies. I am on the Miconazole (momistat) bandwagon again. It helps the itchies and I have no idea if it speeds up growth or not. I am also thinking of trying Rooibos as I drink rather a lot of rooibos tea.
As I have said before, I am not sure about things that are meant to speed up growth as you need to have a very accurate picture of what your hair growth is like at all times of the year - and this takes more than one years worth of data. Some people are prepared to go to , what I view as quite extreme lengths, to gain a faster growth rate - such as using large quantities of Biotin.
I did a quick water only rinse/wash on the sides last night so they will last an extra day. I think I am paranoid about having greasy looking hair. I really need to look more closely.

Every time I log onto the internet I check quattro's etsy store in pure desperation. Nothing yet. I am so disappointed. Come on. I actually have the money to spend.

Lost toy cakes found:2
Deluttering achieved : nothing
Void by the freezer : cleaned by oh! What a result.
Bat interest: nil

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